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Specialist Facilities & SEND Support Offered

Students identified as having SEN through referral to the SEN Team at transition or during their time at Winterhill may access any of the following range of specialist facilities and support:


Integrated Resource Unit


Located in a quiet, more private area of school, these rooms are used for students who need physiotherapy or resources to meet their physical needs.  The area also includes a toilet room fitted with a hoist and an adapted toilet with functioning wash facility. 

Flexible Learning Centre


An alternative learning environment set on Winterhill premises for students who present with ongoing complex behaviour profiles.  Bespoke programmes of study are developed to meet the needs of students to ensure the best possible outcomes in terms of personal development and qualifications. 


Inclusion Centre


A flexible teaching and learning area for students with a range of Behavioural, Emotional Social or Mental Health difficulties.  Offered on a time-limited basis, frequently reviewed.



Achievement Centre


A Specialist learning base for students whose previous rate of progress or attainment is significantly slower than their peers.   A highly differentiated curriculum is offered as a long-term provision, to support transition from Primary to Secondary, KS3 and possibly KS4.


Autistic Spectrum Disorder Specialist Intervention


Provision tailored to the specific needs of students. 

Interventions include; Autism awareness, social and communication skills, self-management, advice and support to parents/carers.


SEN Intervention


High impact, time-limited intervention based on student need are planned, carried out, and reviewed. SEN Interventions are designed to address the emotional, social, physical, learning needs or mental health/wellbeing of students with SEN. Such interventions are often based on advice from specialist professionals such as Educational Psychologist, Health or Social Care.  Examples include literacy, numeracy, fine motor skills, speech and language, physio, or therapeutic work.


In Class Support


Support in lessons is offered by our dedicated team of Inclusion Support Workers (ISW’s).  Curriculum Leaders along with the SEN Team allocate support where necessary to meet the needs of students. Support is also offered in the form of smaller class sizes and increased teacher input within the lesson.


Break/Lunchtime Clubs


Some students find the less structured times in the school day difficult to manage.  We offer a range of clubs which are open daily to ensure students who need structure, encouragement, and supervision are well-prepared for the lesson following a break.


Transition Support


During Year 6 students with SEN have an opportunity to meet with our Transition Coordinator.  The Transition Coordinator attends all Y6 Parents Evenings and meets with parents at that time.  Some students may participate in the Bridging Project which involves coming to Winterhill to meet other Y6 students and participate in fun group activities.  From February students who are particularly vulnerable begin an enhanced transition programme.  All students transfer to Winterhill in July.  Y6 Annual Reviews for students with statements or EHC Plans and those with complex needs are attended by Winterhill SENCO or other relevant SEN staff. 

During Year 11, students are allocated a NEETS (for those at risk of becoming ‘not in education, employment or training’) worker.  With this worker students identify their future goals and work is undertaken to prepare them for the transition to further education.  Students with statements or EHC Plans in Y9-Y11 take part in Person-Centred Planning annual reviews which focus on the transition to Post-16 provision.  Those students who are particularly vulnerable may arrange to attend college with a key worker to aid a positive transition.

Exam Dispensation


In Year 10 students who have been identified as having a special educational need at any time may be tested for exam dispensation. At Winterhill we are committed to utilising the full range of specific help during exams by looking at individual needs of students with SEN. Every effort is made to ensure students have the necessary conditions for optimal performance.


Parent and Student Involvement


We are committed to working in partnership with students and their families.  We seek the views of parents and students in relation to provision made and in reviewing progress in line with school policy and statutory requirements set out in the SEN Code of Practice 2014.  The outcomes of SEN provision and interventions are reviewed termly and communicated with parents/carers and students. Communication may take the form of letters, phone calls or meetings depending upon the preference of the parents/carers.  


If needed students with SEN may be given a key worker.  Students are given frequent meaningful opportunities to discuss their needs, support, and progress with their key worker or other trusted adult in school.  We seek to involve parents/carers and students in how best to support a young person with SEN, however in the unlikely event that a parent/student is unhappy with the support provided please contact the SENCO or refer to our Complaints Policy for further information.

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