Fundamental Principles
All students with SEN are entitled to (according to SEN Code of Practice 2014):
• Quality First Teaching with differentiated learning opportunities for all students including those with SEN.
• Wherever possible we seek to meet the needs of students within the usual classroom setting, with adaptations or strategies provided to ensure expected or better progress is made.
• Training is offered in line with our School Improvement Plan for teachers and Inclusion Support Workers as part of our commitment to ensuring the best possible outcomes for students with SEN.
• Students are encouraged and supported to take part in the full life of the school alongside their peers who do not have special needs.
• Provision for students with SEN should match the nature of their needs and be offered as early as possible to prevent further difficulties.
• There should be regular recording of a student’s SEN, action taken and the outcome.
• High expectations of all students including those with SEN to make excellent progress.
• Culturally neutral identification and assessment procedures, but where care is taken to consider the student within the context of her/his home, language, culture and community.